You’re Stronger Than You Think—Here’s How

By The Lavender Team

2 min read

Social media can play a big part in our lives, which means it’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing. All that confidence, creativity, and most of all, perfection—it can seem like everyone else has it all figured out. It’s easy to compare ourselves and focus on what we think we’re lacking. But the truth is, every one of us has unique strengths, even if we don’t realize it yet. So, how do we figure out what they are? Let’s break this discovery down into a few easy-to-follow steps.

How to Find Your Unique Strengths

1. Do a Little Deep Thinking

Our strengths are usually tied to what excites us. For example, if you love setting goals and chasing after them, that’s ambition. If you love sharing and listening to others’ opinions, that’s communication. Think about the times when you felt really proud of yourself or completely engaged in what you were doing—moments like these can help you discover your strengths.

2. What’s Easy-Peasy?

Think about the things that come naturally to you that might be challenging for others. Maybe you’re the person who always knows how to brighten someone’s day, or maybe you have a knack for finding a great bargain. These are just some examples of strengths that you may not recognize.

3. Get Some Friendly Feedback

Sometimes, we don’t see our strengths, but the people around us do. It’s a great idea to ask a friend, family member, or co-worker what they think you’re good at—you just might be surprised by what they say! Usually, the things we take for granted about ourselves (like being a great listener) are some of our biggest strengths.

4. Look Back on Your Challenges

When times get tough, our strengths tend to shine through. Maybe you know how to stay motivated even when things don’t go as planned, or maybe you know how to unleash your creative side when there is a unique problem to solve. The way you handle and figure out challenges can tell you a lot about the unique qualities that set you apart.

5. Try New Things and See What Sticks

As humans, we usually don’t know we’re good at something until we actually try it—and sometimes that means keeping at it too. If you’re still unsure about your unique strengths, go ahead and experiment with different things. Take on a new project, join a group, or challenge yourself in small ways. You might discover a hidden talent for something like leadership or being highly empathetic in the process.

6. Embrace Growth, Not Perfection

Your strengths are rooted in what makes you unique, not in being the best at something. And the best part is, they’re always evolving. Maybe confidence isn’t your strongest trait just yet, but you’re working on it, and that still counts. The more you lean into what you’re naturally good at, the more those strengths will grow and shape your path forward.

Finding your unique strengths isn’t about changing who you are—it’s about recognizing and celebrating what’s already within you. Take a moment today to appreciate the qualities you already bring to the table. You’re so much stronger than you realize!


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